API Channel

The installation engineer can create queue channels by using channel configuration user interfaces which is available in Channel Configuration section of SmartOps create project UI.

To access IHUB Queue channel, perform the following steps:

  1. Access SmartOps application. 

  2. Select IHUB from the menu as shown in FigureFigure

    This displays the IHUB screen as shown:

  3. Click  to add a channel. Enter the details as explained below: 

    Picture 1

    ChannelName:- Any alpba-numeric value

    ChannelType:- Select as API

    RequestType:- Select GET/POST

    URL:- The API URL to be invoked

    AuthMethod:- Select BASIC/NO_AUTH

    Username:- In case of BASIC auth API username for authentication

    Password:- In case of BASIC auth API password for authentication

    Header Params:- Add header key-value pairs in Headers section to add headers to be provided while invoking API

    Filter Params:- Add key-value pairs in filter params section to include query params to be added while invoking API

    Polling Schedule:- Give the interval in milliseconds or as cron expression to configure polling interval. If milliseconds value to be provided select the checkbox Milliseconds. If cron expression to be provided check the cron checkbox.

    Request Received time (check box): If this is checked, ihub will include an extra field named ‘requestReceivedTime’ inside senseParams map of Smartops json. And its value will be the request received time in UTC. The time will be in a format given in the Timezone Format field which is shown near to the checkbox.

    Process request as list: If this is checked iHub will not split multiple requests that are coming in ihub as single requests. Rather iHub will include all the requests in a single json array. And this json array will be set inside requestJson -> inputs field of SmartOps json.

    JsonMappings:- Mapping definitions to convert incoming messages to SmartOps json.

    Note:- Refer the Json mapping section of Queue Channels for details.

    API scanner will poll the API configured in channel definition, converts the resulted json to SmartOps json based on the mapping and will place it in SmartOps queue.

    In most of the cases the resulting json can be an array. If the json is an array while specifying the json key ‘*’ symbol should be added after the array field name to mark that as an array.

    A sample array mapping is given below.

    Picture 4


See Also:

Defining Channel Configuration - API


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