AP Supervisor - Advanced Features

AP Supervisor user has access to advanced features such as summarized view of Run List and Analytical view.

To access the Advanced features, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the Advanced icon available in the Project screen as shown in the FigureFigure.

    Dashboard displays a summarised view of each runs.

    RunList tab includes: 

    • Details of the FTP Run such as execution steps and  Trace Logs 

    • Inbound and Allocation Job details such as Run Name, Run Time, and Status.

    • Invoice Details

    • Summary of activities such as Number of Sent, Added, Deleted, and In progress invoices.

  2. You may filter data based on date range from the  option available on the top right hand side of the screen.

  3. Expand the run list to view and edit the details of processed documents against the run. 

  4. To view the analytical view of the Analytics tab. This displays the analytical view of processed documents. Following charts are available:

    • Accuracy

    • Review Time


Accuracy chart displays the accuracy of fields extracted. Accuracy is derived based on correctness of the value of the fields extracted and fields where AP Supervisor user approves or updates the values. For unedited fields, machine accuracy will be shown as high; for edited ones the accuracy will be derived as low.


AP Supervisor may select the duration for which the data is to be displayed in the Show Results For drop-down list and Select Date Range field.

To view the number of invoices extracted for the field, hover the mouse over the corresponding bar as shown:

To view the field accuracy on corrected fields, click on the required bar. The quality chart is displayed as shown:

OCR quality of the specific field is available in the pop-up.

Review Time

Review Time chart indicates the Review Time vs Extraction Time, where Review Time is the average time taken for the approval process across users and extraction time indicates the average time taken for data extraction of invoices for the selected duration. 

To view the time taken by users for review, click on the Review Time pie. The Review Time graph per user is displayed as shown.



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