Dashboard enables to view and manage various widgets to be displayed for the ITOPs Admin. This dashboard is powered using Grafana.
To access a project dashboard, perform the following steps:
Login to SmartOps ITOPs as an Admin user. This displays the ITOPs home page as shown in FigureFigure
Note: The dashboard corresponding to the saved/favourite project is displayed, by default, if any one of the project is saved as favourite.
Navigate to the Project Listing page from the home page as shown in FigureFigure.
This displays the project listing page as shown in FigureFigure .
You may search for the required project from the Search by project name field.
You may filter the required project based on status from the Filter By status field.
You may sort the projects based on “modified date” or “project name” from the Sort By field.
Click on the project. This displays the corresponding Dashboard as shown in FigureFigure.
The dashboard showcases metrics related to the following:
Top Ten Alerts: Name of the alerts ranked according to number of occurrences.
Top Ten Noise Creating Devices: Name of the rresources ranked in the order total number of alerts generated by them.
Total Open Tickets in Service Now: Name of the open tickets in service now.
Open vs Closed (Top Ten Alerts): Top ten alert clusters which are open vs Closed.
Alerts Open vs Closed: Total alert clusters which are open vs Closed.
Mean Time to Repair: Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) ccalculation is Total Maintenance Time / Total Number of Repairs. In ITOPs Total Time taken by tickets to move to Closed/ Total number of tickets calculated for 24 Hrs
Alert Trend: Trend of Top 10 (Minimum 3) alert names over time period of a week
Resolution SLA:
Alert Pattern: Alert pattern is visualized as a heat map intensity distribution of total number of alerts for each type of alert reported on a day based scale.
Source Device Mapping: Displays details such as:
Total number of alert
Source from which alerts originate from
Device which has reported the alert
Severity of the alerts that has been reported.