UST SmartOps™ uses cognitive automation to intelligently and continuously accelerate business opportunities by reducing costs, streamlining efficient operations, and uncovering unrealised growth revenues for your business.

SmartVision Release 2.6

Release Date: March 22, 2022

SmartVision Lite - Product free trial version for Invoice extraction

Provision to add soft validations

UI, API Architecture & Design revamp of document Listing & Review screens

Global Invoice Model

Expand formatter option in Extraction FOI

Accuracy improvements for tables

Test-Train split

Model Evaluation and Model Cards

Files and Annotation Import & Export


We are launching SmartVision Lite, a free trial version of the product for Invoice extraction. The key objective is to provide a firsthand experience of the product to our prospective customers. Users can upload their own invoices, review & confirm the extracted information and also export the data for further processing.

DU Trainer will include a provision to tag documents for training & testing purpose. The test documents will be used for the automated evaluation of model and model card generation. DU Trainer will also include a provision to export files, import files & annotation from other DU training projects.

Product upgrades include, ability to display username along with user ID in SmartVision; provision to add table & section formatters for long documents in addition to page formatters and provision to configure soft validations for informational purpose.

Technical improvements include improvements to table accuracy.

SmartVision Lite

SmartVision lite is a free product trial version primarily for invoice extraction. The launch would follow a multi-phase approach – first would be a soft launch with internal customers primarily the customers who are in active discussions with sales team and internal UST accounts. Within 6 – 8 weeks we will do the final launch from marketing website making it available for global users. This should provide a firsthand product experience for our prospective customers, enable us to keep up with the market trends and also create a competitive advantage.

High level user flow


  • Users will be prompted to create a SmartVision account using valid business email id. Users will have to comply with the terms & conditions specified by UST. Trial version will be available for 30 days usage.
  • Users can upload invoices of their own or choose to use the samples available in the site.
  • System supports pdf, jpg & png files types.
  • Maximum no: of documents per user is limited to 100.
  • Users can review the extracted information and approve. Provision to correct the extracted information is available as well. Point & select, drag & draw for multi-line text, table rebounding, auto save features are included for ease of edit.
  • Approved documents can be exported into excel/json formats for further processing.
  • Thumbnail view of the document, Global search by filename, Filter by dates, Sorting of document lists are available in document listing screen
  • Product tours/”How to” videos are included for guidance
  • Users would be limited to view the documents in his account only.


The below features are planned for the next release.

  • Support features to provide feedback, report a problem.
  • Display additional fields of interest like Vendor & Customer addresses along with database encryption of these fields.
  • Graphical connectors to link the field in the insights section with the field in the PDF.
  • Support for tiff file formats
  • Automated re-sizing of the document image based on the document resolution
  • Validations for amount & date fields


UI & API Architecture & Design revamp of document Listing & Review screens

In 2.6, a major revamp is done on the UI & API architecture end to enable us to scale to the document centric business use cases of our customers. A high level architecture overview is shared below.

Provision to add soft validations

User will have a provision to define soft validations in addition to hard validations available today. These are warning messages and can be overridden by the user. This is applicable to internal & external validation messages.

Global Invoice Model

Introducing the global model for invoices which supports an expanded list of FOIs & table fields. FOI details are available in Global Invoice Model - Overview

Expand formatter option in DU

In DU, formatter section in Extraction FOI page is enhanced to support 3 types of formatters – Page, Section and Table. User will have the provision to download the available formatters and upload formatters as needed. This allows project specific customizations to meet customer needs.

Accuracy Improvements for Tables

The accuracy calculation approach for table will be revised to consider the complexity of tables. In 2.6, we will focus on improving the accuracy for simple tables and medium & high complex tables will be targeted in the next releases.

Train / Test split

User will have the provision to specify the type of files uploaded to DUT. This could be for Training or Testing. Training files will be used for the model training and testing files will be used to evaluate the model. Default type would be training. Testing files also should be annotated similar to training to capture the ground truth. If testing files are not available, evaluation process would not be triggered and model card would not be available.

Model Evaluation & Model Cards

Model evaluation would be triggered automatically after training process using the testing files and annotations. Systematic comparison against previous versions will happen and optimal model will be baselined. Only one model version will be retained per project. Model card will be displayed with the latest statistics. It will include the overall model accuracy and the field level accuracy.

Import/Export Files & Annotations

DU trainer will have the provision to export files & annotation from one DU trainer project and import them to another DU trainer project. This will allow reuse of files & annotations across DUT projects in same/different environments.

The imported files & annotations will fall into the Annotated tab by default. For an existing DUT project which has annotated files, the import feature will append all the new files & annotation to the existing list. User will be able to modify the annotations on the imported records and save. While importing, user will also have the provision to specify tag for testing/training purpose.

  • (4813) DU Vespa configuration - not able to configure multiple formatter( table and page)
  • (4850) RPFC AP Production: Item Description Accuracy is less
  • (4851) RPFC AP Production: Item Tax Accuracy is less
  • (4855) RPFC AP Production: Unit of Measure Accuracy is less
  • (4856) RPFC AP Production: Unit Price Accuracy is less
  • (5448) RPFC AP Production : SYS_FAILURE - Celery Task - failed -> TimeLimitExceeded
  • (6649) RPFCP POD DU : Lost all the Extraction info Fields in DU project
  • (7032) RPFC: Upgrading the model of the projects without impacting the existing DU project configurations
  • (7047) RPFC CS Production : Error in UI while saving DU configurations in IE
  • (7054) Navistar-File resize error
  • (7057) RPFC Production : constant page refresh in IE page
  • (7074) RPFC AP Production : Task Lost, Job failed - No active task found for job
  • (7077) Navistar - Line Items disappear when external service validation error in pdf view
  • (7118) RPFC AP pre prod: Auto allocation is not working
  • (7141) RPFC CS- Notification shows wrongly even after completion of Auto allocation
  • (7144) RPFC AP Production - Error in resize, file could not be resized, skipping extraction
  • (7497) UST Finance - Failed DU extraction - Task Lost
  • (7596) Pre-Prod Cluster 1-DUT-Insights getting duplicated

Release Artifacts

Deployment Artifacts


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