Managing Infrastructure consists the following sections:
ITOps is enhanced with the capability to add and view the list of related devices. ITOps UI enables to:
Login to SmartOps ITOPs as an ITOPs Admin user. This displays the ITOPs dashboard as shown in FigureFigure.
Note: The dashboard corresponding to the saved/favourite project is displayed, by default.
To navigate to Infrastructure, click Infrastructure tab.
Click on Device Inventory List. This displays the Device Inventory screen as shown in Figure.Figure.
Device Inventory includes the following features:
View the Inventory Listing page: Enables to view the complete list of inventories/devices configured.
Configure columns in Device Inventory listing: Columns to be displayed for each devices can be configured.
Search facility: Ability to search device inventory from Device Inventory Listing page is available.
Add device to inventory: Enables to add a new device as per requirement.
Import Device Inventory: Enables to import device inventory in excel format from UI.
Add 'Fail over Device', 'MAC Address', 'Impact Radius', 'Decommissioned' fields to device inventory
An ITOps Admin user is enabled with the capability to view device information and other associated information in device details page so that the user can get an over all idea of the device and its performance.
Device Details page to include the following attributes:
Header - Device Name with an indication of any open alert.
Device Details
Alert Details
Device Availability
Connections [Based on Topology] - Only outgoing connections
Device Availability
An ITOPs admin is enabled with the capability to update the information of devices in device inventory to manage updates in device inventory.
Edit Details page consists of an option in device details page to edit device details. Following updates can be performed related to device inventory.
Edit Resource Group
Change Resource Type
Change Vendor and Model
Edit IP Address
Edit MAC Address
Edit Maintenance Mode
Edit Impact Radius - Dropdown Values -Site, Country, Geography
Edit Fail over Device - Drop down
Edit Decommissioned - Yes, No
Edit Site, Geography, and Country
To manage topology/infrastructure, perform the following steps:
Login to SmartOps ITOPs as an ITOPs Admin user. This displays the ITOPs dashboard as shown in FigureFigure.
Note: The dashboard corresponding to the saved/favourite project is displayed, by default.
To navigate to Infrastructure, click Infrastructure tab. This displays the Topology screen.
To import a topology, click Import. Browse and select the required .csv file.
To delete the topology, click Delete Topology.