Managing Alert Correlation Policy

  1. Login to SmartOps ITOPs as an ITOPs Admin user.  This displays the ITOPs dashboard as shown in FigureFigure.

    Note: The dashboard corresponding to the saved/favourite project is displayed, by default.

  2. To navigate to Infrastructure, click Configuration tab. This displays the Alert Configuration Policy screen as shown in FigureFigure.

    • To edit the policies, click on  icon corresponding to the policy.

    • To delete a policy, click on  icon corresponding to the policy.

    • To update the status, toggle the Status bar as required.

  3. To add a new correlation policy, click on  This displays the Add Correlation Policy screen as shown in FigureFigure.

  4. Define the correlation policy as explained below:

    Field Name


    Policy Name

    Name of the policy.


    Precedence for the policy.


    Attribute that is to be correlated.


    Value of the attribute

    Enable Topology

    Whether to enable topology.

    1. To save the policy, click Save Policy.

    2. To add more attributes to the policy, click on the  icon. 

    3. To save and add rule for the policy, click Save and Add Rule. This displays the Set Rules block as shown in FigureFigure.

    4. Define the rules for the correlation policy as explained in theTableTable:

      Field Name


      Rule Name

      Name for the rule.


      Precedence to be applied for the rule.

      Activate Rule

      Enables the rule activation.


      Attribute to be mapped for defining the rule.


      Operator to mapping attribute with value.


      Value corresponding to the attribute.

    5. To add similarity correlation, select the required attribute and corresponding Operator.

      • Operators available are, Similar, Equals, and Empty.

      • To add more similarity correlation, click on the  icon. 

    6. To save the rule and add a new rule, click on Save and Add New Rule.

    7. To activate the rule, enable the Activate Rule option.

  5. To define a new acknowledgement policy, click on Acknowledgement Policy. This displays the Acknowledgement Policy screen as shown in FigureFigure.

    Define the correlation policy as explained below:

    Field Name


    Policy Name

    Name of the policy.


    Precedence for the policy.


    Attribute that is to be correlated.


    Value of the attribute

    • To add more attributes to the policy, click on the  icon. 

    • To save the policy, click Save Policy.

    • To save and add rule for the policy, click Save and Add Rule.







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